Destiny Killers

It is important to watch and be careful who we attach ourselves to on a spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental level. Why is this important? Because of energy and the way energy behaves in certain spaces. Energy from others can carry over into our lives causing unexplainable situations to happen. When we are not knowledgeable about our surroundings and about who we are then our lives can be manipulated with others’ energy, vibrations, and spiritual connections. When we are attached to different entities it can take a while for them to be removed and sometimes they are never removed which stays affecting us until they are gone. It is impossible to get them cleaned out without spiritual guidance. This spiritual guidance for me comes from the Father God, Jesus/Yeshua the son of God, and the Holy Spirit of God. When tapped in we have connections to the higher realms where there is angel assistance and spiritual assistance. Everything that we witness in this life is a reflection of what’s going on in the spiritual realm.

It is important to be careful what we attach ourselves to because they can ruin and destroy lives. These things can trick people into thinking they are nothing and have no life which leads many to suicide. Let us be careful what we attach ourselves to whether it’s in who we are connected to or what things we are digesting into the doors and gates of our souls. It is better to use sound wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to guide our lives to live abundantly than to be influenced by low-level energies, vibrations, demons, and entities that drain us from our life force. It is wise to be careful who we attach ourselves to if we desire life and to live. I have experienced what is that I am relating and this is real. There are things that we unknowingly may attach to that drain us on many levels financially, spiritually, emotionally, etc. And we will be thinking there is something on us that’s blocking us and it is indeed some form of energy or spirits that have connected to us that is blocking certain things from entering into our gates. If this has happened the best thing to do is withdraw for a period alone to clear these energies out, and withdraw to a sacred place(this is an inward experience, the meaning is to go within). It can take years sometimes to cleanse and heal but it is worth it in regards to starting a new life without things that hinder our paths of destiny.

There are destiny blockers that have been since the beginning. The thing that just popped into my mind is Abel and Cain, and then actually before that is Adam and Eve. Remember the snake knew who they were and by following the way of the snake this low-level entity stayed with them and got them cast out of the Garden of Eden. Also, it is important to know that those same perpetrators will receive that which they send out, Cain and that old serpent were cursed after working to block the will and plan of God. So to anyone who works crookedness, your inheritance is to be cursed and life will not be good for you, all your days will be cursed when you work against the pure in heart.

Can we see how deep connections are and how important it is to be careful what we connect ourselves to? These things can literally take us off our true paths and delay us from getting to a certain point. Especially when you are super loving, kind, and generous, these kind of energies can be preyed on and manipulated. These higher energies have to be protected and we must protect these energies from lower vibrational ones. It is important to be careful, aware, and mindful of who we connect ourselves to because our lives matter, our destinies matter. And we all have the inheritance from the Most High to fulfill our destinies. Our lives are sacred and divinely filled and orchestrated for the God of Life’s will and glory. For someone who may be reading you are not a failure and you may not be where you want to be right now feeling like things are moving slowly but understand that we are exactly where we need to be. Whether that’s good or not good these things occur to help us choose better. We are divinely spiritual and physical beings.

There are forces that do not want us to reach our destined places and that will try to attach themselves to our lives so that we never reach them, but the devil is a lie. Those who choose life will always come out on top even if there are periods of slowness due to us having to learn, grow, and, mature with sound wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Even if we find ourselves in a bind that we chose, the grace of the Most High God is sure to lead us out which evolves over a space of time. With the Most High God all things are possible and his grace is enough. When we don’t understand it will be the grace of the God of Life that comes to save. Our lives are important and the Most High sees us as precious which is why he sends his chosen ones into the world to help his children.

It is important to understand that sometimes unknowingly we may attach ourselves to destiny killers. What are destiny killers? These are ones who do not want the best for you, these are those who would hurt you intentionally, they do not want you to succeed or have victory, those who are used to create distractions, these are ones who smile in your face but in the inside are like ravening wolves, those who will not truly support you on the path, and these are ones sent to create blockages on the journey of life.

The Bible reads that God’s people die from a lack of knowledge but if we are wise we can use our own lives to learn from. It is important to open our hearts and spiritual eye to understand the phases of our lives and what they mean for us. Everything that is an illusion or delusion must be let go when we desire the higher ways of life. Sometimes we have to draw back in order to draw forward. Sometimes a decision is not meant to be made right away but may take days to come up with because the wisdom has not come down yet from the Highest Heaven. Sometimes we can become impatient with our lives and we must not in order to catch the waves of life which are not in a rush. The waves and ways of life move naturally at the ordained pace to make sure things flow peacefully and naturally. Sometimes it’s hard to let things go that are not good for us but it is even harder to go through life with these same things that are always taken from us. Therefore letting go is a gift on many levels. Sometimes we must draw back and be alone so that the Angels and Spirit of the God of Life can minister to us and help us cleanse and heal to start fresh and over. It may not be the path that we see fit for us at the time but on a spiritual level the Most High is leading us out the spaces that hold onto us, holding us back leading us to a space of structure, stability, and freedom. If we know how important our lives are then we will be watchful of what we connect our lives to whether a person, place, or thing. We understand that whatever is our goal those things are what we should be connecting to and everything else that is foreign needs to be let go. And by us setting standards in our lives we will surely connect to all the things that are for our best interest and that connect us to destiny fulfillment. Peace!

Key Wisdom that’s come to me is that whatever is taken wrongfully from us that it has to come back. It does not matter what it is. Even if it’s abused love then your portion is an abundance of love. Whatever it is will manifest to even greater and better. Whatever has been taken will come back even better. Nothing is ever taken because it will always come back. The spiritual law of balance and order. There is no such thing as a loss when you understand these light sayings. Peace!


Nothing is ever taken from me but all comes back to me better.

There is nothing that is ever lost, everything comes back to me in surplus.

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