Claimed Sovereignty

This beast system wars against our spiritual purpose and destiny. There is so much on a spiritual level that is happening, and I am thankful.

I have lived, walked, and breathed this life that is now upon me and I am thankful. Things are changing rapidly and we can get stuck in the distractions if we’re not focused on the higher path and calling. It is with a closed mind and heart that many become stagnant and unable to move forward with clarity over their lives. Therefore, many destinies are robbed and stolen and have been robbed and stolen.

There is a force beyond the physical that is beyond what we can see and they are here, well, and alive. I am witness to the truth of these words. And I have been through many trials and tribulations to get to this point of no return from the old that has kept my people down for so long.

My next portion is for everyone who has planted righteous seeds in seasons of drought and despair. I decree and declare that those seeds have grown and fully manifested into more than enough. These manifestations are protected and will be successful with great victory. Be not deceived by what we see. To fully comprehend we must be connected to the deeper parts within ourselves. We who have been initiated in the seed of Christ have gone through many spiritual initiations that tested and proved us. The Holy Spirit is here to let us know that we are not alone, and our work has not been in vain. We will see the blessings of the Most High Creator come forth for all who have constantly worked in building, building, and building. Building with trials and tribulations at every end, Oh my God! And we are still here even with all of that trial and tribulation. Glory to God! Our labor has not been in vain. We will succeed and have victory. It has already begun, and we will see new things unfold this month in December before it ends. Be expectant. Be hopeful. Believe again. I know it’s been a hard, tough, and long road. We will see that all of it was worth it. Adversity is being put into its place and it will not have victory over the chosen ones.

It is the chosen ones who have been chosen to be given such knowledge just like Christ was because we are destined to help the Most High’s people rise even as the Earth also evolves and becomes brand new. This is the reason why we must get ourselves together, our health on track, and our homes straight. It is due to the evolution of the Heavens, the Earth, and everything within them. And everything that does not rise up will fall away. It is as simple as that and those who have ears will hear and eyes will see. There should be no hardship in understanding and seeing the truth if your spiritual eyesight and awareness are open. These kinds of truth will only come to those of a pure heart and who have not bowed down to the wicked beast system.

Again, this system is against our spiritual nature, purpose, and destiny. Therefore, it lacks the understanding even of what this means which is why as we’re building in the Kingdom the beast system wars against us. The beast system way of living is not the same as the Kingdom of the highest heaven. Remember this beast system is against the chosen seeds who are God’s children. And we are here now where there will be a divide and we will not have to work twice or three times as hard in the future. The Kingdom of the Most High will be the everlasting ruling kingdom on the New Earth. If you are following my blog you know that I never write unless I am moved, meaning the Holy Spirit leads me in what I am to write. I pray these words locate all who they are meant to locate and may they be confirmation. May these words provide hope for the person losing hope. May these words help many to move past the illusions and into the fullness of the truth. We were not ever meant to be bound to a system for we are free spiritual beings in Christ being reborn with his resurrection and our sovereignty resides in our spiritual inheritance from Jesus Christ. We must remember who we are, and this comes when we awaken to who we truly are within. Peace!


For those not feeling well(Say within)

I am complete

I am whole

I lack nothing in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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